St. Athanasius and St. Catherine's Academy is a co-educational Catholic institution and hybrid model in which students attend classes two days a week on Tuesday and Thursdays. The school day begins at 7:45 a.m. and ends at 4:00 p.m. with daily mass as part of the day at noon. Students will experience a similar format to college with a two-day per week class schedule that incorporates high expectation for personal responsibility and independent learning. The hybrid model is dependent upon homework which is a reinforcement and extension of the learning process. Its purpose is to instill in students good study habits and independent study, aiding them in becoming more self-reliant and self-directed. Homework will reinforce the classroom learning and provide opportunities for independent study, research, and creative thinking. In addition, the hybrid model allows for a more flexible schedule, opportunities for a part-time job, more quality time with your family, and other hobbies.